Agroforestry and Tree Farm Planning and Assistance
City Ordinance and Grant Applications
Construction Oversight and Tree Protection
Disease/ Insect Damage Diagnostics and Advice
Expert Witness Testimony
Farm Management and Layout Planning
Fire Suppression Class Instructor
Forest Management/ Stewardship Plans
GPS/ GIS Services
Hazard Tree Analysis and Recommendations
Instructor for Chainsaw Safety and Use
Landscape Planning, Design, and Development
Oral Presentations
Ornamental/ Shade Tree Appraisals
Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation
Riparian Corridor Management
Safety Programs & Training Seminars
Timber Basis/ Forest Taxation Assistance and Advice
Timber Inventory
Timber Sale Marking and Administration
Timber Valuation and Appraisals
Tree Felling
Urban Tree Inventories
Walnut Management
Watershed Management/ Protection
Wildfire Suppression
Writing and Editing (Handouts/Pamphlets/Articles/etc.)